“My daughter has been so fortunate to be able to work remotely with Inna Yureneva. Her zoom private lessons are just as effective as in person ones. She gives quality instruction and helps the dancer improve in skills and technique. Inna’s lessons are challenging and informative, my daughter has grown and improved greatly from working with her.”


“We first met Inna through an instructor at our ballet studio.  She suggested her for privates during Covid, since our studio was doing online classes and many of us were searching for additional training to ensure our kids didn’t fall behind.  Little did we know what we were in for with Miss Inna!  Her ability to see every single detail through the computer is astounding.  She saw everything my daughter was doing wrong and corrected her.  Though there were some tears from pushing harder than she was used to, she begged me to keep working with Inna, even after the studio was able to reopen.  I’ve seen such tremendous growth in Olivia since she started working with Inna.  She has become stronger, increased her turnout, gained muscles I didn’t think were possible on such a tiny frame, and her control has also improved leaps and bounds.  The best news came recently when we were told that Olivia would be skipping levels and headed to the advanced division.  We are forever grateful to Inna for the guidance she has provided.  She truly has become a part of our family.  Thank you Inna!!!”


“Both my girls enjoy private lessons with Ms. Inna Yureneva. She challenges them in different ways and provides insight based on their individual needs. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with her and deeply appreciate her technical knowledge and push to develop their artistry. “


“Ms. Inna is very professional and precise. I look forward to her lessons because she motivates me to give 100% so I can achieve to the best of my ability.  I also love the stretching and strength exercises!”


“Outstanding. Truly. Ms. Inna is very precise in her corrections, so the student has a clear grasp on what is needed. Sophia is very clear on what she needs to work on to improve. Ms. Inna's attention to detail and correct body alignment are invaluable. And deeply appreciated. Ms. Inna is a truly gifted instructor. She insists on proper ballet technique and gives very precise corrections that are accessible to the student. Sophia truly values working with Ms. Inna.”


“ Ms. Inna became my daughter's ballet teacher when she was eight years old. Since then, she has substantially helped my daughter with many auditions, intensives, and competitions. Now she attends Laguardia High School and is in their dance program. 

It didn't take long for me to realize that Ms. Inna is an extremely talented teacher. She has a vast knowledge of various dance styles and techniques as well as knowing how to adapt to each student. My daughter was quickly able to trust and believe in Ms. Inna, which allowed her to develop her dancing ability significantly. Ms. Inna has helped improve my daughter's skills because she knows when to push the limit and when to take a rest. 

She is also a teacher who can focus on small details without forgetting the big picture. Thanks to Ms. Inna, my daughter has learned how to manage stressful situations and anxiety, which helped her build her concentration. 

Ultimately, Ms. Inna is an extraordinary teacher. My daughter and I can't thank her enough. “


“In a field of many great teachers, Inna still clearly stands out with her effectiveness. A product of Bolshoi teaching tradition, she is methodical, rigorous,demanding-- but she is also warm, compassionate and has a great sense of humor.  She is really focused on her students and spares no effort to get them to the next level.  My daughter has been Inna's student for several years. Inna has been a constant source of knowledge and inspiration for her, as well as a great role model.”


“Ms. Inna sees where you can go as a dancer and ensures that you get there!”
